Русификатор на английском

Автор valdnieks, 12 октября 2016, 14:16:07

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0 Пользователи и 1 гость просматривают эту тему.


Переводить вручную или есть нормальный?:
// Admin Tabs
$txt['PostPrefix_main'] = 'Префиксы тем';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_general'] = 'General';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_general_desc'] = 'Find out what Post Prefixes is about';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_prefixes'] = 'Prefixes';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_prefixes_desc'] = 'The list of the available prefixes';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_prefixes_add'] = 'Add Prefix';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_prefixes_add_desc'] = 'Add a new prefix, you can set the name, color and select the allowed boards and groups.';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_prefixes_edit_desc'] = 'Edit the current prefix, you can set the name, color and select the allowed boards and groups.';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_prefixes_edit'] = 'Edit Prefix';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_require'] = 'Require';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_require_desc'] = 'Here you can select on which boards the prefix will be required.';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_permissions'] = 'Permissions';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_permissions_desc'] = 'Permissions for Post Prefix mod.';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_settings'] = 'Settings';
$txt['PostPrefix_tab_settings_desc'] = 'General settings for Post Prefix mod.';

// General
$txt['PostPrefix_donate_title'] = 'Donate to the author';
$txt['PostPrefix_version'] = 'PostPrefix version';
$txt['PostPrefix_main_credits'] = 'Credits';

// Prefixes
$txt['PostPrefix_no_prefixes'] = 'You have not added any prefix';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_name'] = 'Name';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_id'] = 'ID';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_icon'] = 'Icon';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_modify'] = 'Modify';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_status'] = 'Status';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_date'] = 'Date';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_groups'] = 'Groups';

// Add/Edit
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_enable'] = 'Enable prefix?';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_color'] = 'Use color?';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_icon_use'] = 'Use icon instead of text?';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_icon_url'] = 'Set the icon URL';
$txt['PostPrefix_add_prefix'] = 'Add prefix';
$txt['PostPrefix_save_prefix'] = 'Update prefix';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_groups'] = 'Allowed groups';
$txt['PostPrefix_select_visible_groups'] = 'Show groups';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_groups_desc'] = 'Groups allowed to use the prefix';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_boards'] = 'Usable in';
$txt['PostPrefix_select_visible_boards'] = 'Show boards';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_boards_desc'] = 'Boards where the prefix can be used';
$txt['mboards_groups_regular_members'] = 'This group contains all members that have no primary group set.';
$txt['mboards_groups_post_group'] = 'This group is a post count based group.';
$txt['PostPrefix_use_bgcolor'] = 'Use color as background color?';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_boards_require'] = 'Require prefix on';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_boards_require_desc'] = 'Boards where the prefix will be required';
$txt['PostPrefix_required_updated'] = 'Required boards were successfully updated.';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_added'] = 'The prefix %s was added successfully.';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_updated'] = 'The prefix %s was updated successfully.';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_delete_sure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected prefixes?';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_deleted'] = 'The chosen prefixes were deleted successfully.';

// Error
$txt['PostPrefix_error_noprefix'] = 'You need to specify at least the name of the prefix.';
$txt['PostPrefix_empty_groups'] = 'There are no groups selected for this prefix.';
$txt['PostPrefix_empty_boards'] = 'There are no boards selected for this prefix.';
$txt['PostPrefix_error_unable_tofind'] = 'Unable to find a prefix';
$txt['error_no_prefix'] = 'No prefix was selected.';

// Permissions
$txt['permissionname_manage_prefixes'] = 'Manage Prefixes';
$txt['groups_manage_prefixes'] = 'Manage Prefixes';
$txt['permissionhelp_manage_prefixes'] = 'If the user can manage prefixes.';
$txt['permissionhelp_groups_manage_prefixes'] = 'If the user can manage prefixes.';
$txt['cannot_manage_prefixes'] = 'You\'re not allowed to manage the prefixes.';
$txt['permissionname_set_prefix'] = 'Use Prefixes';
$txt['groups_set_prefix'] = 'Use Prefixes';
$txt['permissionhelp_set_prefix'] = 'If the user can set prefixes.';
$txt['permissionhelp_groups_set_prefix'] = 'If the user can set prefixes.';
$txt['cannot_set_prefix'] = 'You\'re not allowed to use prefixes.';

// Settings
$txt['PostPrefix_enable_filter'] = 'Enable filter prefix';
$txt['PostPrefix_enable_filter_desc'] = 'It will show a box allowing you to filter topics by prefix.';
$txt['PostPrefix_select_order'] = 'Prefixes order';
$txt['PostPrefix_select_order_desc'] = 'The order that the prefixes list will have when creating a topic.';
$txt['PostPrefix_select_order_dir'] = 'Order direction';
$txt['PostPrefix_select_order_dir_desc'] = 'DESC, ASC';
$txt['PostPrefix_DESC'] = 'DESC';
$txt['PostPrefix_ASC'] = 'ASC';

// Post
$txt['PostPrefix_select_prefix'] = 'Префикс темы';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix'] = 'Префикс';
$txt['PostPrefix_prefix_none'] = '[Не задан]';

// Filter by prefix
$txt['PostPrefix_filter'] = 'Фильтр по префиксам';
$txt['PostPrefix_filter_noprefix'] = 'Без префиксов';
$txt['PostPrefix_filter_all'] = 'Показать все темы';
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