Перенос с localhost

Автор zergan82, 21 апреля 2010, 11:52:44

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Помогите разобраться с переносом smf с локальной машины на хостинг. Базу я перелил. Файлы закинул. Подскажите какие пути и где менять. попробовал воспользоваться файлом repair_setting но у меня вываливается вот такая ерунда
Value not found!'; $txt['default_value'] = 'Recommended value'; $txt['save_settings'] = 'Save Settings'; $txt['not_writable'] = 'Settings.php cannot be written to by your webserver. Please modify the permissions on this file to allow write access.'; $txt['recommend_blank'] = '(blank)'; $txt['database_settings_hidden'] = 'Some settings are not being shown because the MySQL connection information is incorrect.'; $txt['critical_settings'] = 'Critical Settings'; $txt['critical_settings_info'] = 'These are the settings most likely to be screwing up your board, but try the things below (especially the path and URL ones) if these don\'t help. You can click on the recommendded value to use it.'; $txt['maintenance'] = 'Maintenance Mode'; $txt['maintenance0'] = 'Off (recommended)'; $txt['maintenance1'] = 'Enabled'; $txt['maintenance2'] = 'Unusable (not recommended!)'; $txt['language'] = 'Language File'; $txt['cookiename'] = 'Cookie Name'; $txt['queryless_urls'] = 'Queryless URLs'; $txt['queryless_urls0'] = 'Off (recommended)'; $txt['queryless_urls1'] = 'On'; $txt['enableCompressedOutput'] = 'Output Compression'; $txt['enableCompressedOutput0'] = 'Off (recommended if you have problems)'; $txt['enableCompressedOutput1'] = 'On (saves a lot of bandwidth)'; $txt['databaseSession_enable'] = 'Database driven sessions'; $txt['databaseSession_enable0'] = 'Off (not recommended)'; $txt['databaseSession_enable1'] = 'On (recommended)'; $txt['database_settings'] = 'MySQL Database Info'; $txt['database_settings_info'] = 'This is the server, username, password, and database for your MySQL server.'; $txt['db_server'] = 'MySQL server'; $txt['db_name'] = 'MySQL database name'; $txt['db_user'] = 'MySQL username'; $txt['db_passwd'] = 'MySQL password'; $txt['db_prefix'] = 'MySQL table prefix'; $txt['db_persist'] = 'MySQL connection type'; $txt['db_persist0'] = 'Standard (recommended)'; $txt['db_persist1'] = 'Persistent (might cause problems)'; $txt['path_url_settings'] = 'Paths & URLs'; $txt['path_url_settings_info'] = 'These are the paths and URLs to your SMF installation, and can cause big problems when they are wrong. Sorry, there are a lot of them.'; $txt['boardurl'] = 'Forum URL'; $txt['boarddir'] = 'Forum Directory'; $txt['sourcedir'] = 'Sources Directory'; $txt['attachmentUploadDir'] = 'Attachment Directory'; $txt['avatar_url'] = 'Avatar URL'; $txt['avatar_directory'] = 'Avatar Directory'; $txt['smileys_url'] = 'Smileys URL'; $txt['smileys_dir'] = 'Smileys Directory'; $txt['theme_url'] = 'Default Theme URL'; $txt['images_url'] = 'Default Theme Images URL'; $txt['theme_dir'] = 'Default Theme Directory'; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) set_settings(); // Note that we're using the default URLs because we are 

и т.д.


Settings.php cannot be written to by your webserver. Please modify the permissions on this file to allow write access

На права файла ругается
Joomla 1.5.x
SMF 1.1.x


А ты у файла repair setting  расширение сменил на php ?
На файл конфига права  777 поставить ,  после вернуть назад.
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